The average house price on GROSVENOR CRESCENT is £809,760
The most expensive house in the street is 4 GROSVENOR CRESCENT with an estimated value of £911,613
The cheapest house in the street is 3 GROSVENOR CRESCENT with an estimated value of £673,863
The house which was most recently sold was 8 GROSVENOR CRESCENT, this sold on 17 Jul 2020 for £650,000
The postcode for GROSVENOR CRESCENT is LE10 2BQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 GROSVENOR CRESCENT Detached £785,066 £166,000 26 Jun 1998
2 GROSVENOR CRESCENT Detached £738,483 £231,500 7 Dec 2001
3 GROSVENOR CRESCENT Detached £673,863 £320,000 26 Mar 2004
4 GROSVENOR CRESCENT Detached £911,613 £620,000 28 May 2015
6 GROSVENOR CRESCENT Detached £874,533 £650,000 30 Jun 2016
7 GROSVENOR CRESCENT Detached £892,962 £370,000 14 Apr 2003
8 GROSVENOR CRESCENT Detached £791,800 £650,000 17 Jul 2020